Audio Files
Audio Files provides a simple mechanism to download sound data into Anki cards.
The built-in sources of data are:
  • Open Russian
  • Wictionary
  • Forvo
Sound data is downloaded and copied to the Anki media collection, and the current field updated to reference it.
Cloze Generator
Cloze Generator provides a means to create cloze cards from notes of a non-cloze note type.
Anki Script
Anki Script provides:
  • a simple mechanism for domain experts to build domain specific Anki addins
  • a mechanism for course providers and designers to supply courses that progressively build up the type of data to be learned, as well as the data itself
  • a mechanism for scripting repetitive edits to note types or card templates.
Anki Script does this by providing a non-programmer friendly scripting interface to Anki.
It is also possible to add your own script commands enabling scripts to be written in a form specific to the domain.
Some example addons are available demonstrating using Anki Script.