Every setup or lesson must a contain a command file. The command file is the script to be executed.
It should be named commands.txt and located in the setup / lesson directory.
The command file should be saved as UTF-8 if it contains non Latin characters. (Anki Script will try to load it as UTF-8, and if that fails will attempt to load it using the default file encoding for the user's system.)
When running a command file: (Note that any ':' at the end of a line is removed before processing the command ';' and ',' are left)
As an example to illustrate these rules the following two commands are equivalent:

create verb note type and:
    add fields Russian, Audio, English;
    add card types e>r, r>e, setting default deck to verbs

create verb note type and add fields Russian, Audio, English; add card types e>r, r>e, setting default deck to verbs